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Financial Responsibility

The fee schedule below includes Housing and Residential Life's most common fines, fees and charges. Additional departmental or university assessments not included here may be charged to residents' bursar accounts. The information below is subject to change.


Note: You may view and make payments for Housing and Residential Life charges at the Office of the Bursar.


Note: To dispute a charge, submit a Petition for Adjustment of Charges (form). 

Common Fines, Fees and Charges

A. Registration Fees and Refunds

» Visit Dates and Deadlines for a detailed registration timelines.

B. Occupancy Fines and Fees

» Visit Lease Agreement (pdf)

  • B1. Lease-Break Fee
    • A lease-break fee is applied when a resident checks out of their room and is not transferring or withdrawing or is dropping their affiliation with the university in another way. The fee is equivalent to two months of the housing rate of their room.
    • For example, the fee for a 2B/1B in Booker Hall would be $1,746.
  • B2. Freshman Noncompliance Fee
    • Incoming first-year freshmen are required to live in university housing. The Freshman Noncompliance Fee is charged when freshmen fail to comply with the Freshman Residency Requirement.
    • To live somewhere other than OSU housing, freshmen must be granted a housing exemption, or they will be charged the equivalent of the housing rate for the least expensive housing option for two semesters (fall and spring).
    • For 2024-2025, this fee would be $2,515 for the fall semester and $2,515 for the spring semester for a total of $5,030.
    •  Learn more about the Freshman Residency Requirement and the Exemption Requests,
  • B3. Short-Term Stay Fee
    • If you check out of your room before three months of occupancy, you will be charged a short-term stay fee, equivalent to 25% of the semester housing rate of your room. 
    • For example, a short-term stay fee for a 2B/1B in Booker Hall will be $981.50.
  • B4. Request for Room Change Fees
    • When you submit a Request for Room Change (form), you will assessed a $50 room change fee regardless of whether you accept the change or not. The next request is $100 whether you accept it or not. 
    • Learn more about Request to Change Rooms
  • B5. Fine for Misuse of Shared Living Space
    • Residents are not permitted to occupy or use any space in their unit to which they are not assigned. This includes vacant beds, bedrooms and/or a bathroom on an unoccupied side of a room, suite or apartment.
    • Residents found in violation of this policy will be responsible for all charges necessary to return the room(s) to a move-in ready state by Residential Life standards and may also be charged for occupying both spaces.
    • Learn more about Shared Living Spaces
  • B6. Fine for FGSH Illegal Roommate / Unregistered Occupant
    • For violations of having an illegal roommate or unregistered occupancy in your unit, the primary lessee will be charged as follows:
      • 1st Illegal Roommate/Unregistered Occupant: $100
      • 2nd Illegal Roommate/Unregistered Occupant: $300
      • 3rd Illegal Roommate/Unregistered Occupant: one month’s rent
    • In addition to the charge schedule above, the primary lessee is subject to immediate lease termination and/or any other charges deemed necessary by Housing and Residential Life. 
    • Learn more at FGSH Illegal Roommate / Unregistered Occupant.

C. Check-In and Checkout Fines and Fees

» Review Check-In Process and Move-Out Process.

  • C1. No-Show Fine
    • A no-show fine of $250 is charged to your bursar account if you fail to check in and/or communicate a change in plans, such as moving in at a later date or canceling your registration. 
  • C2. Early Check-in Fee
    • If you arrive to check in before your scheduled check-in time, you will receive an improper early check-in fee of $250, in addition to the daily rate of the room for each day up to the date of your scheduled check-in day.
    • Note: If you try to check in early, your room may not be available or have been cleaned or maintenance completed. 
  • C3. Improper Checkout Fine
    • At checkout, if you fail to set up or attend your checkout appointment with your community mentor (CM), an improper checkout fee of $150 will be charged to your bursar account.
    • Additional fines (Abandoned Property and Additional Cleaning fines) may also be assessed. See the entries below.
  • C4. Abandoned Property Fine
    • There is a fine of $100 if you leave personal items in your space following checkout. Abandoned items are removed and stored at your expense.
    • As the vacating resident, you will receive an e-mail notification and be given 30 days to claim your items. If we don't receive a response within the 30-day deadline, we will donate your items to a local charity.  
  • C5. Additional Cleaning Fine
    • There is a fine of $100 for failing to clean the room to specifications and/or to return university furniture to its move-in configuration.
    • Learn more about cleaning a room at Move-Out Process Step 2.

D.  Damage Charges

» Visit HRL Facilities Office to request routine maintenance or repairs.

  • D1. Charges for Damage to Your Assigned Room and/or Unit
    • It's important that you document the existing condition of your room and/or unit before you move in. ResLife requires that you submit a room occupancy checklist (ROC) by logging into the OSU Housing Portal at check-in.
    • The condition of your room and/or unit at check-in will be compared with the condition at checkout when damages will be assessed. Learn how to avoid damage charges at Personalizing Your Space.
    • Your bursar account can be charged for damages that affect your room and/or unit at any time. 
    • Damage charges for your room and/or unit will be split among roommate(s) if ResLife staff is unable to determine the individual(s) responsible for damages.
    • Charges will vary depending on the degree of damage(s) and the cost to fix it.
  • D2. Charges for Damage to Common Areas
    • If damages occur in the common living area (university grounds, buildings, equipment, lounges, kitchens, laundries, and so forth), the charges may be split among affected residents if ResLife staff is unable to determine the individual(s) responsible for damages. For this reason, we encourage you to report vandalism.  
    • Charges will vary depending on the degree of damage(s) and the cost to fix  it.

E. Locked-Out Fines and Fees

» Learn more about Locked-Out Policies and where to go for help when locked out.

  • E1. Locked-Out Fine
    If you are locked out of your room, the following fines are charged to your bursar account.
    • 1st and 2nd locked outs are no charge but passkey fees apply
    • 3rd and 4th times are $35 plus passkey fees
    • 5th time (and so forth) is $50 plus passkey fees
  • E2. Passkey Fees
    If you need to borrow a passkey to access your room, the following fees are charged to your bursar account.
    • There is no charge for the first hour you have a passkey. After one hour, there is a $15 fee.
    • If you keep a passkey for more than 24 hours, there is a charge to replace all locks to the room/suite/apartment.
    • If you need a passkey longer than one hour due to extenuating circumstances, contact the desk manager for approval. 

F. Trash and Recycling Fine

» Visit Trash and Recycling to learn more.

G. Animals On-Campus Deposit and Fines

» Visit  Service Dogs, Emotional Support Animals, Pets for more information.

  • G1. Nonrefundable Pet Deposit
    • To bring an animal to campus, a nonrefundable pet deposit of $450 is charged to the owner's bursar account.
  • G2. Unauthorized Animal On-Campus Fine
    • $500 is charged to your bursar account each time the animal is discovered until the animal is removed from campus or the proper documentation is provided.
  • G3. Charges for Animal Damage
    • Your bursar will be charged for the damages your animal causes to your room or unit and common living areas—including university grounds, buildings, equipment, lounges, kitchens, laundries, and so forth.

H.  Tampering with Fire Equipment Fines

» Learn more about Fire Safety.

  • H1. Oklahoma Statutes set tampering fines
    • The resident will be assessed a fine of $500 for each incidence of tampering or activation. The resident will also be placed on Housing and Residential Life probation and receive an educational sanction.
    • Subsequence offenses: 1) a $500 fine will be assessed for each offense; 2) the student will be removed from housing and the contract must be paid in full; 3) an incident report will be forwarded to OSU Police Department and Environmental Health and Safety for a code violation ticket (potential fine of $5,000 and one-year imprisonment); 4) and the student will be referred to the OSU Student Support and Conduct.

I. Summer Conferences