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Freshman Residency Requirement

and Housing Exemption Request (form)

The Purpose

In support of the mission of Oklahoma State University, the Board of Regents requires freshmen to live in university housing. Research suggests that living in university housing increases the probability of a student's academic success.


Note: Information below may be updated as needed. All activities close at 11:59 p.m. unless otherwise noted.

Housing Requirements

All freshmen who are unmarried, without dependents, and under age 21 must live in university housing during the academic year, be granted a housing exemption, or pay the Freshman Noncompliance Fee. 


Transfer students are exempt from the residency requirement.


Students in Greek Life are considered to be living in university housing. For more information about moving between Greek Life and OSU Housing, visit fraternities/sororities and university housing.

Deadline for Exemption Requests

To receive consideration for a housing exemption, you must submit a completed form with the required supporting documents by the dates listed below.

  •  Deadline for Spring 2025
    • The deadline to submit an exemption request with supporting documents is Wednesday, January 29, 2025.
  • Deadlines for 2025-2026 Academic Year

    The request form opens Sunday, December 1 and closes Wednesday, September 3.

    For requests and documentation submitted between...

    • Sunday, December 1 and Thursday, May 1. If you receive an exemption approval, you will receive a partial deposit refund and we will cancel your registration.
    • Friday, May 2 and Tuesday, July 15. If you receive an exemption approval, you will not be charged a late cancellation fee and we will cancel your registration.
    • Wednesday, July 16 and Wednesday, September 3. Even if you receive an exemption approval, you will be subject to one of the following fees.
      • If you are approved for an exemption before occupancy (move-in), you will charged a late cancellation fee and we will cancel your registration.
      • If you are approved for an exemption after occupancy (move-in), you will be subject to a lease-break fee and a short-term stay fee. You will also need to follow the checkout process to move out of your room. Improper checkout fees and charges for damages will be assessed as needed.
  • Notification Deadlines for 2025-2026 Academic Year
    • Friday, August 1 is the last day to submit a completed housing exemption request and have it processed, so you can be notified of the answer before classes begin.
    • Requests received on Saturday, August 2 and Wednesday, September 3 may not be processed before classes begin. 

Process for Exemption Requests

To request an exemption from the Freshman Residency Requirement, students must submit the form below by the stated deadline. Each student's success and well-being serve as the foundation for all exemption decisions. Students are encouraged to submit their requests as early as possible. 


Important Information

  • It's recommended that students don't sign a lease or contract for nonuniversity housing until they receive an approval confirmation from Housing and Residential Life.
  • Exemptions are not granted just because students or their families own a home in Stillwater or the surrounding area. 

Freshman Noncompliance Fee

  • To live somewhere other than OSU Housing, freshmen must be granted housing exemptions, or they will be charged the equivalent of the housing rate for the least expensive housing option for two semesters (fall and spring). 
  • For 2024-2025, this fee is $2,515 for the fall semester plus $2,515 for the spring semester for a total of $5,030.

Committee Decisions

  • After the committee makes a decision, the student will receive an email from stating the request has been approved or denied. 

Exemption Request Committee

The committee strives to be consistent and equal when making decisions concerning requests for housing exemption.

  • The committee consists of selected faculty and staff members from multiple OSU departments to ensure equal opportunity and unbiased decisions.
  • A quorum of three members must be present to meet and make a decision.
  • The decision set forth by the committee is final.
  • The committee meets biweekly. The busiest time for the committee is summer and the first few weeks leading into the fall semester, Students are encouraged to submit exemption requests as early as possible.

Reasons for Exemption

Required forms and supporting documents

In addition to submitting the Housing Exemption Request (form) by the deadline, students must also upload the required supporting documents for the exemption they are seeking.

  • Commuter living within a 40-mile radius of OSU and will continue living with parent/legal guardian

    Student's Responsibility

    • Submit the Housing Exemption Request (form) below and upload the following supporting documents:
      • Proof of residency of the parent/guardian. Upload a copy of their utility bill, mortgage statement or lease.

    Parent/Guardian's Responsibility

  • Commuter living with a relative within a 40-mile radius of OSU.

    Student's Responsibility

    • Submit the Housing Exemption Request (form) below and upload the following supporting documents:
      • Proof that the relative is at least 21 years old by the first day of classes. Upload a copy of the relative's drivers license, passport or birth certificate.
      • Proof of residency. Upload a copy of the relative's utility bill, mortgage statement or lease.

    Relative's Responsibility

  • Military service
    • Submit the Housing Exemption Request (form) below and upload the following supporting documents:
      • DD214 or active orders dated the last six months
  • Over the age of 21
    • Submit the Housing Exemption Request (form) below and upload the following supporting documents:
      • Drivers license, passport or birth certificate
  • Married and/or have dependents
    • Submit the Housing Exemption Request (form) below and upload the following supporting documents:
      • Marriage certificate
      • Birth certificates, or a letter/order of guardianship signed by a judge
  • Other
    • Submit the Housing Exemption Request (form) below, explain the reason for the request, and upload any supporting documentation.
    • If you are seeking a medical exemption, you need to go through Student Accessibility Services for a housing accommodation. 

Housing Exemption Request (form)