FAQs for Local Services
Stillwater offers several childcare options, with some rates based on income. You should feel free to visit childcare centers to observe the level of care you child is receiving.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of OK
- Oak Tree Children’s Academy
- OSU Child Development Lab
- Presbyterian Preschool
- Stillwater Early Head Start
- YMCA Stillwater
Child Safety
It is important to provide children with a safe and healthy environment. In Oklahoma, anyone who believes a child is being abused or neglected is legally responsible for reporting it. People may report issues 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling 800-522-3511. For more information, call the Oklahoma Department of Human Services at 405-707-3700.
- What is child abuse?
Child abuse is harm to a child by the person who is responsible for the child. This includes threats to harm and failure to prevent harm. Child abuse is not limited to physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
An example of physical abuse: Mariam had just changed an 18-month-old dirty diaper when he had another messy diaper; this made Mariam angry. She thought that putting him in hot water will punish him for the dirty diaper. When she put him in the tub, he cried loudly. Mariam slapped him to stop the crying and didn't notice the scald marks until after the bath was over.
An example of sexual abuse: Nine-year-old Lee's mother works at night. Her stepfather is around when she goes to bed, so many evenings he lies down beside June. As she goes to sleep, he rubs her chest and private areas.
An example of emotional abuse: Isaac is disappointed with his 11-year-old son, “You're such a little coward,” he tells the crying child "It's the same every week. You always make your mother and me ashamed. Sometimes I can't believe you are really my son."
- What is child neglect?
Neglect is a failure to provide for a child’s basic needs. This includes but is not limited to not meeting a child’s needs for food, clothing, shelter or safety, leaving a child in an unsafe area, and not providing a child with necessary medical attention.
An example of neglect: Joseph worked late nights in the lab, and the family needed more money. Amani looked for work, but the only job she could find required her to leave home at 9:30 p.m. The children, ages two and six, were alone for a few hours until Joseph got home around midnight or 1 a.m.
Recommended guidelines for parents:
Infants and children under six years of age should never be left alone without adult supervision. Generally, grade school children who demonstrate the ability to be responsible and mature may be left alone for one or two hours during the day with access to a responsible adult.
Grade school children should never be left to care for younger children.
Middle school children who demonstrate the ability to care for themselves without help may be left alone for up to four hours during the day and evening.
Middle school children may care for one or two younger children if there is constant access to a responsible adult.
- What are the signs of child abuse and neglect?
The effects of child abuse and neglect can last a lifetime. They can affect how children grow, how they do in school, relationships and so forth.
Possible signs of abuse and neglect: Bruises, cuts, burns, broken bones, constant hunger or thirst, lack of interest, more knowledge about sex than is normal for the child’s age, sudden changes in behavior, etc. It is important to note that children do not always present the same behaviors or symptoms as a result of abuse or neglect. In addition, some of these behaviors and symptoms could occur due to reasons other than abuse and neglect. For more information about signs, refer to Recognizing Child Abuse and Neglect: Signs and Symptoms
- What should I do if I feel like a child is being abused or neglected?
According to Oklahoma law, everyone who has reason to believe that a child is a victim of abuse or neglect must report it. To report issues, call the OKDHS Abuse and Neglect Hotline at 800-522-3511.
- What materials should I need to take with me to enroll my children for day care or
To enroll your child in the Stillwater Public Schools (SPS), gather the documents listed below and follow the SPC enrollment instructions.
- Child’s birth certificate or passport and visa
- Child’s immunization records (If your immunization records are not in English, go to the Payne County Health Department to have them translated and certified.)
- Proof of Stillwater residence. FGSH residents can request a statement of residence from the FRC front desk.
- What options do I have to enroll my children (0 to 6 years old) for day care?
There are many childcare options for children in Stillwater. Please see list, under Childcare.
- What school should I enroll for my children who are from 4 to 11 years old?
There are six elementary schools in Stillwater, serving children ages 4 to 11. Children will be enrolled in either pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, 1st grade, 2nd grade, 3rd grade, 4th grade or 5th grade. Children who live in the following FGSH Neighborhoods West, Stevens, Prosser, Demaree and Williams attend Will Rogers Elementary School. Children who live in the Brumley Neighborhood attend Westwood Elementary School.
- What school should I enroll for my children who are from 12 to 18 years old?
- Stillwater Middle School serves children in 6th and 7th grade, approximately 12 and 13 years old.
- Stillwater Junior High School is for children in 8th and 9th grade, approximately 14 and 15 years old.
- Stillwater High School is for children in 10th through 12th grades, approximately 16 tp 18 years old.
- Where can I take my children for tutoring if they have difficulty in reading and math?
OSU provides math and reading tutoring for children who are in 1st through 8th grades. It is low-cost and high-quality tutoring.
- What options are available if I or any of my family member wants to improve their
English as a second language skills?
- Classes are offered at the Family Resource Center.
- Stillwater Literacy Council. For tutoring, call 405-372-2144 or stillwaterliteracycouncil@gmail.com.
- The Hands Abroad program at University Height Baptist Church (English classes and other fun activities) only available in Fall and Spring semesters. Meetings are held on Thursdays at the Coffee House from 9 to 11 a.m. Free nursery is provided. There is a pick-up available at FRC Laundry every Thursday. The van loads at 8:40 a.m. and returns at 11:10 a.m.
- When in need of nutrition and a free meal, here are places that can help:
- Stillwater Public Schools. Nutrition assistance, call 405-533-6445
- Community Action, 410 S. Lewis, Stillwater, OK, 405-624-2533
- Church of Christ Food Bank, 821 N. Duck, 405-372-7439
- Southern Heights Methodist Church/Love Feast, 2823 S. Husband, Stillwater, OK, 405-372-3280. Thursdays at 5 p.m.
- Department of Human Services, 711 E. Krayler, Stillwater, OK 405-707-3700
- Payne County Health Department, WIC, 1321 W. 7th St., Stillwater, OK 405-372-8200
- Salvation Army, 1101 S. Lowry, Stillwater, OK, 405-372-1554
- First Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall: 524 S. Duncan, 405-372-5580, Free community brunch Saturdays from 11 a.m. to noon.
- First United Methodist Church Family Life Center, 400 W. 7th, 405-372-5854. Free meal Thursday from 5 to 6:30 p.m.
- Harvest II, P.O. Box 561, Stillwater, OK 74076, 405-377-7637
- Neighborhood Ministry, P.O. Box 280, Perkins, OK 74059, 405-547-2481
- Our Daily Bread. Our Daily Bread Mobile Market at the Family Resource Center (every third Wednesday of the month)
- Pete’s Pantry
- Student Stache Network Pantry at Family Resource Center.
- Insurance plans options for students
A student health insurance plan is available to eligible students attending OSU Stillwater campus. You may find further information through OSU Human Resources.
In addition, the University Health Services Clinic on the OSU Stillwater campus is a network provider for several insurance plans.
- Illness in the family
There are multiple options available for seeking a doctor in Stillwater.
- In case of an emergency call 9-1-1. This will connect you with - police, emergency medical and fire personnel, this number should only be used in emergencies. If you or the person who is sick is physically capable of going to see a doctor, you may go to the Stillwater Medical Center which is open 24/7. If you have a question about your health and aren’t sure if it’s emergency or not, please call the Stillwater Medical Center complimentary nurse advice line at 800-707-0224.
- If you are an OSU student you can get medical attention from University Health Services, available from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Mondays through Fridays.
- As you seek out a doctor for your child it is important to consider the type of care needed, your health insurance coverage and any other preferences. Contact the clinic or doctors office by phone to see whether they are accepting new clients. Also ask them whether they accept the type of health insurance coverage you may have. This website provides a physician directory showing the specialties of the different doctors affiliated with Stillwater Medical Center. A number of pediatricians are housed in the Stillwater Medical Physicians Clinic at 1815 W. 6th Ave, Stillwater, 405-743-7300.
- There are some urgent care centers in Stillwater, which are useful evenings, weekends or holidays when doctor’s offices are closed. As with other providers it is important for you to consider your health insurance coverage.
- AMC Urgent Care
- Access Medical Center
To protect people, children and parents from violence and bad treatment of a person, Stillwater has different agencies to help with traumatic situations.
- Resources
- 24 Hour Crisis Hotline 405-624–3020
- Child Safety, The Saville Center, 1523 W. 9th Ave, 405-377-5670
- Domestic Violence, 801 S. Main St. Stillwater, 405-372-0198
- Stillwater Police, 701 S Lewis St, Stillwater
- Wings of Hope Crisis Center, 3899 N. Washington Ave, Stillwater, 405-372-9922
- Social Services
Help and support people by being able to assist with food, clothing and health.
- Oklahoma Department of Human Services: DHS can help with many services from food assistance, child protection, disabilities,
parent and adult aid as well
711 E Krayler Ave, Stillwater, 405-707-3700 or 405-744-5975 - Psychological Services: Psychological services help people gain support and skills to deal with everyday life, as well as bad situations. They help to reduce stress, better interact with other people, and understand a person’s feelings about different things
- OSU Psych Services Center: 118 N. Murray Hall, 405-744-5975, Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- OSU Marriage and Family Therapy: 101 Human Sciences West, 405-744-5058
- Payne County Counseling Services, 801 S. Main St. 405-372-0198
- Grand Mental Health
- Oklahoma Department of Human Services: DHS can help with many services from food assistance, child protection, disabilities,
parent and adult aid as well