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Roommates and Best Practices

Having a roommate(s) can play a big part in your college life and beyond. Roommates often become life-long friends. With the right roommate, you can create a supportive and fun living environment that will enhance your academic journey.

Roommate Questionnaire 

The first step to finding a roommate is to complete the OSU Housing Portal's Roommate Questionnaire and make it searchable by other residents. The questionnaire is a quick overview of you—your study habits, sleep schedule, cleanliness preferences and so forth.


Be sure to provide a thoughtful description of yourself in the space provided. 


You can customize your search to find others who share the traits you are most interested in.

Finding a Roommate

Instructions for 2025-2026 TBA


Whether you prefer a familiar roommate or someone with shared interests, the next step is getting to know each other. Here are some steps:

  • Schedule a meaningful conversation.
  • Discuss lifestyles, study habits, hobbies and daily routines.
  • Assess if their preferences match yours.
  • Imagine living together in the space provided. Can you see yourself living with them in the space provided?
  • Trust your instincts: sometimes, you’ll sense a connection.

Consider exploring  Living Learning Programs (LLPs) as well. LLPs create communities for students with similar interests, offering a more tailored living experience.

Roommate Agreements

In fostering a healthy roommate relationship, effective and open communication is vital. To aid this, Housing and Residential Life provides a roommate agreement program for residents.


These agreements empower roommates to establish boundaries, preferences, and expectations upfront. Facilitated by a community mentor, these formal documents can be viewed and adjusted by all parties as necessary.

Room Transfers

Residents might find themselves needing to relocate during the academic year for various reasons. To understand the specific dates and policies regarding room changes or transfers, visit Request to Change/Transfer Room.