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Room Consolidation

During the semester, if a resident moves out of a double/shared room and the remaining resident is not assigned a roommate; the remaining resident may be asked to select one of the following options:

  • Elect to pay the single-room rate and keep the room privately. This option is available only when space is available. Single-room rates will be calculated on the remaining prorated portion of the contract.
  • Choose to move into another half-filled room in the community.
  • Find another resident willing to move into the current resident’s room.
  • Remain in the room and be prepared to accept a new roommate at any time.

The consolidation policy does not require individuals to move out of their community. Instead, it could require residents to pay for a single room or consolidate with another individual living alone in a double-occupancy room. If more than one resident in the same community is without a roommate, the individual who paid their housing contract last may be the one to move.