Keys and Card Access
Lost OSU ID Cards
If you lose your OSU ID card, contact ID Card Services to get a new one. Once you have your new OSU ID, contact Housing and Residential Life to have staff encode it with your door access.
Keys are university property, may not be duplicated and are for residents only.
Staff issues residents door keys and key cards to enter their assigned rooms/units. We also encode our residents' OSU ID cards to open designated doors with card readers for their assigned areas.
For your safety and that of our community, we ask the following:
- Lock and secure your residence door.
- Keep your keys and access cards with you.
- Never lend or give your keys, key cards or OSU ID card to another person to use.
- Never use another resident's keys or cards.
- Don't duplicate university keys.
- Sharing keys with anyone not listed on the housing lease is not permitted.
- When you move in, you will be issued one door key. After submitting a completed Room Occupancy Checklist (ROC), you will receive a second door key and two additional mail keys.
- Eligible residents may purchase one additional door key at the Family Resource Center (FRC).
- Children 13 and older may be issued a key if a parent provides written permission to the Family Resource Center.
- Keys fees. If you lose an apartment or mailbox key or fail to return a passkey after 24 hours, the lock(s) to the apartment/mailbox will be changed. The cost of the lock change is charged to the primary lessee’s bursar account.