FGSH Compliance and Respect
People from many backgrounds have chosen to live in the Family and Graduate Student (FGSH) neighborhoods. To build a healthy and peaceful community, we expect everyone to be respectful to one another at all times. Residents who are uncooperative or verbally abusive to others will face disciplinary action.
To ensure safety, residents and their guests must follow university staff’s direction.
University staff includes but is not limited to FGSH staff, dining staff and facilities
management. Providing false information or failing to provide documentation (such
as your OSU identification card) to staff, interfering with staff while they are performing
their duties or being uncooperative or verbally abusive to staff is unacceptable and
could lead to disciplinary action.
Resident Confrontation
Policies for FGSH are developed to establish an environment in which residents may live together with maximum freedom while recognizing the rights of fellow residents. All residents accept the responsibility involved with living in a community situation and should try to be aware of how their actions affect their neighbors and roommates.
When a resident violates this basic standard of community living by endangering the
safety of other residents or violating any of the policies outlined by the university
or this guide, this behavior must be confronted.
When a resident infringes upon the rights of another individual or the community,
he/ she should first be confronted by the person(s) whose rights have been violated.
This statement assumes that the most effective tool to help others learn that their
behaviors are violating personal rights and community regulations is the people in
the community whose rights are being violated. Residents should ask themselves, “If
people are having a problem with my actions, wouldn’t I want them to speak directly
to me so that we can work it out?”
Residents are expected to be the first to handle a situation when their own or the
community’s rights are being violated. If, after confronting the inappropriate behavior
of another individual, the individual does not attempt to alter their behavior, the
resident should visit with their apartment assistant (AA).
As a member of the FGSH community, each resident can do a great deal to help others learn to live in the community by taking the initiative to start solving their issues when they begin, to confront fellow residents initially follow up with further steps in the conflict mediation process when appropriate.