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Alcohol and Tobacco


  • Undergraduate halls

    Consuming, possessing, manufacturing, distributing, selling, or serving alcoholic beverages on university premises (including residence halls and sorority and fraternity housing) or at university-sponsored activities regardless of age, except as expressly permitted by university policy. Knowingly being in the presence of alcohol where it is not permitted on campus is also prohibited.


    The following are also violations on or off campus:

    • Public intoxication or under the influence of alcohol
    • Driving under the influence of alcohol or while impaired
    • Actual physical control of a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol
    • Providing alcohol to individuals under 21 years of age
    • Social Host: Providing a location for any individual under 21 years of age to possess or consume alcohol
    • Transporting an open container of alcohol
    • Incapacitation due to alcohol
    • Possession or use of a fake ID
    • Underage in possession of alcohol
    • Underage in a liquor (package) store.

    Lawful and responsible alcohol consumption is permitted only in designated areas of the OSU campus, properties, and facilities as authorized by the Board of Regents.

  • Family and Graduate Student Housing

    These policies are addressed in the Student Code of Conduct (pdf). In addition to the Student Code of Conduct, residents are required to comply with state and local laws regarding the use of alcohol. Individuals in violation of these policies will be subject to disciplinary action. Individuals who violate any laws will also be subject to legal action.

    The use of alcohol within Family and Graduate Student Housing (FGSH) housing by those over the age of 21 is a privilege. This privilege can be suspended if it is abused.


    Over Age 21

    • Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages by residents aged 21 and older is permitted in FGSH apartments.
    • Alcohol is only allowed inside the apartment but not in public areas (including balconies, breezeways, grounds and parking lots).
    • When alcohol is being consumed, the front door to the apartment must remain closed.
    • Further, no one under the age of 21 may be present when alcohol is being consumed in the apartment. If persons under the age of 21 are present when alcohol is being consumed, those over 21 may be charged with providing and could face suspension from OSU.
    • If minors (persons under the age of 21) reside or are present in an apartment, no alcohol is permitted in the apartment unless it is the property of the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the minors.
    • In the case where one resident is over the age of 21 and another resident is under the age of 21 and no parent/guardian is listed on the lease (such as in a primary lessee/secondary lessee arrangement), no alcohol is permitted in the apartment.


    Under Age 21

    • Alcohol consumption is governed by state and federal laws. All residents are responsible for being aware of social host liability and especially the liability of supplying minors with alcohol.
    • If anyone under the age of 21 has alcohol, they will be directed by Residential Life and/or OSU Police Department to pour it out. The police may be called disciplinary action will be taken. Further, per federal law, if a resident under the age of 21 is documented for an alcohol violation, their parents may be notified.


    Common Source Containers

    • Alcohol is for individual consumption only; therefore, no common source containers (for example: kegs, cans, bathtubs, punch bowls and the like) are permitted.
    • FGSH staff may question anyone who has large quantities of alcohol and investigate instances when it is suspected that large consumption of alcoholic beverages is occurring. FGSH staff will confront residents and/or their guests who are disruptive. 



Oklahoma State University is a tobacco-free campus, per university policy and the Student Code of Conduct. See OSU Policy and Procedures Letter No. 1-0530 (pdf).

Residents who violate this university policy will face disciplinary charges and may be removed from the community. Residents will be charged cleaning/damage costs to remove odors, stains, burns other damages caused to apartments by tobacco products. Tobacco products include but are not limited to cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, smokeless tobacco, hookahs, electronic cigarettes, vapor devices, clove
cigarettes, pouches, and dissolvables.